Sunday, August 26, 2007

Another perfect day in Boulder, CO

Like any working person I cherish my weekends. Having moved to Boulder last year from the east coast I cannot tell you how great the weather is here - sun, sun, sun. Back east on any given sunny weekend day I felt I had to be outside soaking up every last enjoyable ray as the chance of rain or miserable weather were (are) pretty good there. Living in Colorado sunny days are so abundant! I feel less pressure to enjoy them and as a result enjoy my days more - if that makes sense . . . . here is a typical weekend day . . . this one happens to be yesterday.
Our day begins (as does every weekend day) with a bike ride around Boulder. Michel investigates new trails all week and then takes me on a new route every weekend. It is amazing the network of paved trails in this city. My favorite route is all along the Boulder Creek path - absolutely amazing. Here is a picture of Michel leading the way and one of the Boulder creeks as I pass over one of the many bridges. It is funny that we see more wildlife on our bike rides around town then we do when we head up into the mountains. Yesterday we saw a Blue Heron fishing. Three weeks ago we saw 5 turkey buzzards on a fence not 4 feet from us. They were hanging out by the prarie dog community, so I was suspicious of their intentions. I am sad I didn't have my camera with me that day - it was a site!!
We finished our morning ride with a trip to the farmer's market - the peaches and cucumbers are amazing this time of year. I also bought some edamame - my first time not buying it frozen!
The rest of the day consisted of knitting, an ice hockey game at night with the girls, and then home to drink wine and watch a movie with Michel . . . doesn't get any better than that!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Completed MS3

Here are some photos of my swan lake stole from mystery stole 3. Happy to have it done, but came home from work today feeling a bit lost with out any lace to knit. I hope Melanie - the pattern designer - publishes this and the accompanying patterns soon. I want to do the double winged pattern as I love the flower pattern. I already have a light grey yarn with which to knit that pattern - I just need to find some beads. Those wonderful/evil ladies in the MS3 group were right - knitting lace is very addictive!
the first photo is the completed and blocked stole displayed on a hangerAnd here is one of the feathered detail and the first photos I have where the beads can be seen

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I am anxiously awaiting my invitation to Ravelry. Here are my stats as of today
  • You signed up on July 6, 2007
  • You are #14570 on the list.
  • 5097 people are ahead of you in line.
  • 12220 people are behind you in line.
  • 34% of the list has been invited so far
Ravelry ( is an enormous community for knitters/crocheters/spinners. A place to post all of your projects (ahhh, no more wondering where I put "that" pattern). A place to find other people working on the same projects. Not that I need another knitting addiction mind you. Speaking of addictions MS3 now known as the Swan Lake Stole is upstairs being blocked on our guest bed. It turned out better than I had hoped. I'll post pictures tomorrow. Till then . . .

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

MS3 Continues

Here is an update on my mystery stole 3 progress. I have just completed clue #4 and am eagerly awaiting for Friday when clue #5 and the theme of the stole will be revealed. I took this photo after the sun went down last night, but still you get the idea. I have mixed feelings on having just finished the field of flowers portion - it was getting redundant, but it was a mistake free area and quite pretty.